Day 4: Lexington to Daleville, VA
distance: 52 mi
total distance: 263 mi
distance: 52 mi
total distance: 263 mi
The best way to test the waterproofness of your gear is to actually use it in water, duh... After lunch in Buchanon, we could already see dark clouds drawing in from the distance. I pulled out the rain covers for the panniers and placed my rain jacket handy to use. None of the other dudes seemed as prepared as me for what was about to hit us. It started as a pleasantly refreshing drizzle. Minutes later, we found ourselves in a torrential down pour. By the time I got my jacket on, I was already drenched. Stupid useless gortex! My body got cold immediately and I had difficulty clearing my face from the water that was continuously blinding my vision. Patiently we waited for the rain to calm down. Upon inspection of my bags, I noticed that a pool of water, collected by my rain covers, was flooding my stuff. Lovely.