Start Date: June 25th, 2011
End Date: August 27th, 2011
Number of states: 10
Total distance: 3560 miles
Maximum travel speed: 42 mph
Minimum travel speed: 2 mph
Trip average speed: 10-11 mph
Maximum time in the saddle on a given day: 10.5 hrs
Minimum time in the saddle: 2 hrs
Rest days: 4 full days, and several half days
Longest distance without any services: 71 miles
Rainy days encountered: 5
Night rides: 3
Maximum temperature: 115 degrees F
Minimum temperature: 38 degrees F
Maximum wind resistance: >30 mph
Highest elevation: 11,312 feet
Lowest elevation: 0 feet
Number of flats: 2 for me, 6 for Ryan, 2 for Bryan
Broken chain: 1 for Bryan
Number of times Bryan hurt himself off the bike: 3
Number of black bears crossing the road: 1
Number of rattlesnakes on the side of the road: 1
Number of cows going moo: >30
Number of road kills seen: >100
Number of corn fields: infinite
Peanut butter jars: 16 total
Pints of ice cream: >20
Nutella jars: 4
Burgers: >15 each (>25 for Bryan)
Biscuit and gravy: 5
Home cooked meals: 8
Walmarts entered: >5
Gas stations entered: >80 (for reasons other than gas...)
McDonalds entered: >10
Libraries entered: 8
Most random: Bait shop
Most common: town park and churches
Most scenic: on top of a cliff overlooking mountains and a river bend
Most traditional: camping ground (duh!)
Riders who joined us for at least a day: 4
Riders encountered along the way: >20
People who randomly came to talk to us: >100
Random acts of kindness: lots